Who is ReCharge for?
Whether you’re just curious about Jesus or a committed follower, whether you’ve never attended a worship service or have worshipped all your life, ReCharge is for you.
What is ReCharge like?
A casual atmosphere with live, contemporary Christian music sets the stage for Christ-centered, engaging worship. It’s a time for worship where people feel safe, cared for, and free to worship in ways that are most helpful to them.
What will an evening at ReCharge include?
ReCharge includes contemporary Christian music, times of prayer, practical teaching from the bible, and communion. Communion is open to all but never required of anyone.
What time does ReCharge start and stop?
We start at 7:00 and ends by 8:00 with informal time afterwards for people to linger. Please come when you can and leave when you must.
How should I dress for ReCharge?
There is no dress code. You’ve got too much going on to worry about something God’s not worried about. However, if it helps you, those who lead the service will typically be casually dressed.
What about children and youth at ReCharge?
Childcare is provided for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Elementary age children and youth are welcome in the service. In fact, many youth attend this service following a youth bible study that starts at 6:00. This bible study is open to any youth who wishes to attend.
Who leads ReCharge?
Sr. Pastor Tony McCollum and Associate Pastor Ed Wandling, with the support of the staff, share the teaching and worship leading of all our worship services. Ed works primarily with ReCharge while Tony provides the leadership for Sunday worship. However, they are both involved in all English-speaking worship services of the church.