God hard-wired men and women differently. That is why it is important for Christian women to have the community of other Christian women, to minister to them, and to provide encouragement when times get tough.
We believe that woman-to-woman mentoring is important for spiritual maturation. That is why we provide many ways for women to get plugged in to groups specifically for that purpose.

Wesley Building – Room W206
Wednesday morning, 9:30 – 11:30 AM
A study on biblically-based devotionals and studies. The group frequently enjoys having lunch together after the meeting.
Ministry Activity Center – Room M109
Tuesday morning, 10 AM – 12 PM
A United Methodist Women’s group desiring a deep connection with God through book studies and devotionals that explore current issues affecting our families, churches, and neighborhoods. We are committed to growing, learning, and deepening our relationships with both God and each other. Primarily 60’s plus, although all ages are welcome.
Cypress Methodist Women
Women join Cypress Methodist Women to grow spiritually and intellectually, to be stimulated, to gain leadership experience, to meet other women, and to be involved in the mission in a number of ways.
GENERAL MEETINGS of our local unit of Methodist Women are held on the second Wednesday of selected months from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM if not otherwise indicated in rooms M-111&112.

Second Thursday of the Month • 7-8:30 PM
Ladies, have you been craving authentic friendships and a safe place to get to know God in an intimate way? We are excited to announce that we are launching a new gathering for women, Simply, Women: At the table!
There is something about gathering around a table that allows us to fellowship with each other and have deep conversations about our relationship with God, our joys, our struggles, and our doubts. And there is also a need now more than ever to reconnect!
The second Thursday of each month, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall to worship, discover more about Jesus, engage in authentic discussions around a table, and pray for each other.Mark your calendar, invite some friends, and come join us at the table beside the Savior! We can’t wait to meet you there.
Childcare is available, please call the church office to reserve a spot for your child. 281.469.0730